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Do Not Go for the GOLD Teaching Strategies GOLD for Early Childhood Classrooms. I want to begin by giving everyone a quick background on GOLD. I am simply scraping the tip of the iceberg it has many. Please bear with me, this blog is much longer. GOLD claims to assess the whole child for preschool and. It assesses Social Emotional, Physical, Language, Cognitive, Literacy. Mathematics, Science Technology, Social Studies, The Arts, and English. Language Acquisition. Teaching Strategies GOLD offers lessons, opportunities. Checkpoint License File Format' title='Checkpoint License File Format' />It will soon expand to include first. It is aligned with common core. It has been around since 1. I want to state that it most likely was created with good intentions, however, it has morphed into something that screams corporate education reform. GOLD is mandated to be used by all publicly funded. Colorado. It is used in many other states as well, but my knowledge is based on Colorado, as my home state. Most Colorado districts are piloting it this. Currently, it is paid for in part by a RTTT. GOLD states The primary purposes. Teaching Strategies GOLD assessment system are to help teachers observe and document childrens. The secondary. purposes are to help teachers collect and gather child outcome. There are 3. 8 objectives organized into 9 areas of. Social Emotional is one area of development and. These are the objectives found under Social Emotional. Objective 1 Regulates own emotions and behaviors. Manages. feelings. Follows. limits and expectations. Takes. care of own needs appropriately. Eating. and drinking. Toileting. and personal hygiene. Dressing. Personal. Objective 2. Establishes and sustains positive relationships. Forms. relationships with adults. Responds. to emotional cues. Interacts. with peers. Makes. friends. Objective 3. Participates cooperatively and constructively in group situations. Balances. needs and rights of self and others. Solves. social problems. None of these objectives are necessarily problematic. What. is problematic are the requirements for gathering and reporting the data. I. will attempt to explain, although I have to say, actually DOING it is the only. So heres my attempt for what its worth. Lets say you observed a child who manages feelings which. Objective 1 of Social Emotional. You could then log on to the. You might type, Shaun cried for ten seconds when his mother left and then resumed his work writing in his journal where he attempted to. I miss my mom but I like my friends at school. Perhaps you might take a picture of Shauns. Perhaps you might video tape Shaun quietly resuming his. Shauns ability to. Checkpoint License File Format' title='Checkpoint License File Format' />Checkpoint License File FormatCheckpoint License File FormatBuy a Microsoft SQL Server Standard Edition license 1 server or other Database Software at CDW. Price 791. 99Availability In stockhttpsdocs. IDSERP,5302. 1Dockerfile reference Docker DocumentationDockerfile reference Docker can build images automatically by reading the instructions from a Dockerfile. A Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the. Section 2 Create an unattend. Head over to the Microsoft website to download Windows AIK for Windows 7, if you dont have it already. Why The Israelioccupied territories are the territories occupied by Israel during the SixDay War of 1967. Originally, those territories included the Syrian Golan. Do Not Go for the GOLD Teaching Strategies GOLD for Early Childhood Classrooms. You eventually will upload the. When you have completed all of the above, you can then rate. Shauns ability to manage feelings. You will have to click again, of course. Perhaps you would give Shaun a six. Shaun was able to look at a situation differently or delay. You can choose from not yet all the way up to a nine. Many of. the numbers along the continuum come with an example for you to determine where. Shaun might be developmentally. Here is a screen shot of an objective on the continuum. You have completed the assessment for one objective under. If a teacher has a class of 2. She will do this for all domains and all objectives for each child. A classroom teachers time will be consumed, devoured, and. If a. teacher chooses to take many pictures andor videos, it could take the teacher. As parents, many of us can recall an event. Webopedias list of Data File Formats and File Extensions makes it easy to look through thousands of extensions and file formats to find what you need. Introduction. Check Points FW Monitor is a powerful builtin tool for capturing network traffic at the packet level. The FW Monitor utility captures network. SandBlast ZeroDay Protection elevates network security to the next level with evasionresistant malware detection and comprehensive protection from even the most. Much of GOLD is based on observation or kid watching. We. as teachers, do this daily, and we seize these moments to jot notes, highlight. We collaborate, we communicate, and we gather information that we use. We share this information directly, one on one, with the adults. These human interactions which are immediate and. Teachers are. often encouraged to make GOLD the primary data collection tool as a result. We must remember that one of the ultimate goals of corporate education reform includes erasing the teacher as professional decision maker. GOLD is not bad in the sense that it is assessing things. Its danger, and the reason for parents to refuse it, lies. We must take into account the extreme detail of this. GOLD does not just share a. It shares very detailed, very personal information about children. Now. some might say that the data is NOT being shared. Thats fine. But my response. Much of the GOLD data is. Parents do not need me to upload all this data in order to. I can easily share student. Fifa 14 Crack Fix All Problems. I may have. gathered with parent permission its called parentteacher conferencing For example, I dont know why I would need to upload. I share. this information privately with parents. Period.   Another example, a childs cognitive ability. It is no ones business except the parents and other key adults within the school community if Mark is bouncing off the walls during reading time because he is only able to sit still for ten minutes. I recall that my report card always said, Peggy needs to. That little tidbit of information was. No one else needed to know that. Nor did. anyone else need to know about the child who brought a teddy bear to school to. That information should not be. It may seem like harmless information to some of you reading. I cringe to consider what sort of information is entered into GOLD in schools where compliance and no excuses is the name of the game. I believe GOLD is marketed in a way that leads educators and. Suddenly we are assessing the whole child. Educators know how to assess the. We do it every day. We are working with human beings and in order. GOLD can limit what we assess because it is so time. As I mentioned before, when data is uploaded we immediately. WHY.  Here in Colorado, the. Department of Education will have some access to GOLD data what this looks. We must be very wary of these databases. FERPA laws have changed and we need to aware. THE. NAME. OF. THE. GAME. Data mining is what is allowing. Parents are allowed to see GOLD data, and. I hear happening across the country, I am not sure this is even occurring. Also, we need to askwho else can enter GOLD data about your. The classroom teacher of course, but it is guaranteed that. Money will be spent to support schools in getting this data. And if. extra money is not spent to support data entry, you can assume that your. Either way, schools lose money via extra. Imagine how this money could have been spent to increase art. PE, librarians and more Teachers already have personal systems in place to assess. I use post its, monitoring notes that I carry on a clipboard, and. I use technology to support my ability to monitor but I tailor my. GOLD robs teachers of precious planning time, authentic. GOLD reshapes the teachers role into one of data manager. If you google GOLD you will find that some love it those that love it often. I consider this to be a typical response for new teachers who hug. If you google GOLD you. As mentioned earlier, they discuss how GOLD has determined WHAT is to be. So, lets take this even a step further. The end goal within. We teachers. will follow a script, we will enter the data, and the corporations will take it. We have many experienced teachers who will play the game, use the. GOLD system because they are required to, but they will find ways to continuing. Many will attempt to make GOLD useful if at all possible. However. we will have many teachers, such as Teach for America teachers, or brand new. GOLD because it is mandated and it will become THE way. Teacher as data manager and teacher as technician will grow and. How to deal with a sobriety checkpoint.