Doubleclick Sidekick Template

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AFFIPERF Ads Technical Specifications. Ads Technical Specifications. Doubleclick Sidekick Template' title='Doubleclick Sidekick Template' />Ads Technical Specifications. Before designing ads, Affiperf strongly recommends to read those ads technical specifications. These rules were created based on the. The Galaxy Nexus GTI9250 is a touchscreen Android smartphone codeveloped by Google and Samsung Electronics. It is the third smartphone in the Google Nexus series. Doubleclick Sidekick Templates' title='Doubleclick Sidekick Templates' />Doubleclick Sidekick TemplateInformationWeek. News, analysis and research for business technology professionals, plus peertopeer knowledge sharing. Engage with our community. Think more Creatively. A trackball is a pointing device consisting of a ball held by a socket containing sensors to detect a rotation of the ball about two axeslike an upsidedown mouse. Before designing ads, Affiperf strongly recommends to read those ads technical specifications. These rules were created based on the requirements of most Ad. Exchanges. Note Creatives must be sent at least 3 business days before the launch date of the campaign, in order to check creatives compliance and, if necessary, have the time to send you required modifications. Any question Contact us Adobe has also started advising its users to stop using Flash to create content. Advised Actions Buildserve non Flash video and display creatives for all desktop and mobile ads. YgSPh_XH3Z8/V0t5RsEjgjI/AAAAAAAAKcA/AMj5zqbvHQoY__bgfsjCEFZPxHfn6_FKgCLcB/s640/53%2B-%2Bdialog%2Beditor.png' alt='Doubleclick Sidekick Template' title='Doubleclick Sidekick Template' />HTMLJava. Script is preferred and ensures ad delivery to the broadest range of audiences. Only use image or Java. Script 3rd party pixels, avoid using SWF files. For VPAID Java. Script and VAST creatives, use MP4 videos instead of FLV to ensure scale. Display offering is already 1. HTMLJava. Script enabled. To ensure that we can support other non Flash ads by the time Chrome and Safari roll out their updates, we are currently Scaling VPAID Java. Script inventory available through SSPs, exchanges and publishers. Enabling VPAID Java. Script creative delivery and working with the top viewability measurement companies to enable their measurement where possible. Building out our proprietary viewability measurement for VPAID Java. Script inventory. Prelaunch and ongoing requirements Though this pre launch list is not exhaustive, many of these items are still ignored or overlooked. Focusing on these kinds of items wont guarantee your campaign success, but they will give us a better chance to success. Creatives. All creatives should respect Affiperf technical specifications displayed in this page. Creatives must be sent to Affiperf at least 3 business days prior the campaign start date. NB If you are using 3rd party adserving e. DFA or Mediamind All placements should stard with Affiperf or end with AffiperfAll redirects elements should now be secured. Read More. Reports. If your creatives are adserved or if you are using a tracking solution, please make sure to send us a daily report with campaign basic statisticsimpressions,clicks, visits, post click and post view conversions per dayTracking. For some campaigns, we will need to implement tracking pixels on the campaign websites. Different types of existing pixels ConversionMerit pixels Should be implemented on confirmation pagebutton in order to track the final conversion. Those pixels have to be in place at leat 7 days prior the campaign start date. Visit pixel Should be implemented on the landing page of the campaign, in order to track visits driven by Affiperf. Those pixels have to be in place at least 1 day prior the campaign start date. Retargeting pixels Should be implemented all along the conversion funnel Step 1, Step 2, etc., on landing pages and homepages in order to serves ads to users more frequently after they have left the publishers website. Those pixels have to be in place at least 1. Here is a sum up of what should be implemented on the campaign website. Confirmation page. Funnel pages. Landing pages. Other pages. CPVNONOYES Tracking and RTGYES RTGCPMNONOYES RTGYES RTGCPAYES Tracking and RTGYES RTGYES RTGYES RTGClassic Display technical constraints. These guidelines are intended for marketers, agencies and media companies for use in the creating, planning and buying on Affiperf inventories. IAB Standard ads specifications. Recommended Sizes. AFFIPERF recommends to run at least 5 different formatsIAB Standards. Max length loop. Strictly under 3. Should end on a fixed image without any animation. Accepted Formats. GIF, JPG, PNGHTMLSecured https 3rd party tag, click and impression trackers. Audio. User initiated. Frame. Should include a contrasted frame around the content. FPS recommendedMax weight. As a best practice, HTML5 Image displaymobile banners should not exceed 1. MB polite load. Click. Tag for HTML5. The following examples are methods for applying the click. Tag variable within the ad creative var click. Tag www. example. Ads must use the click. Tag variable as the destination of the click event, whether handled by anchor tags lt a, window. When using this variable upon a click, if you use an anchor tag, we recommend setting the target attribute to blank. This ensure that the click destination opens in a new page or a tab. A typical way to utilize the click. Tag variable is to give the anchor tag a unique id and assign the href dynamically after the pageload via Javascript HTMLlt a idclick. Area targetblank lt a Javascriptvar click. Area document. get. Element. By. Idclick. Area click. Area. Tag. To leverage Javascripts window. Download Fake Drivers License Texas Template. HTML. lt a hrefjavascript window. Tag, blank lt a Google additional specifications. Microsoft additional specificationsback to summary. HTML5 technical constraints. NOTA BENE The following guidance is only preliminary. More detailed HTML5 creative guidelines will be established later. The methods presented below are only suggestions for basic display ads. Advanced methods like responsive design or rich media concepts that require complex dependencies on external calls are out of scope. Since August 3. 1st, flash creatives are no longer supported by several browsers. Google Chrome 5. Flash creatives in a paused state. This is an effort to improve battery life on laptops. The paused Flash content will be frozen on its initial frame with a play button in the center. Users will be required to click this button to initiate the animation, and click a second time before they are redirected to the advertisers landing page. Recommendations. In lieu of Flash, HTML5 is the solution to create rich ad experiences that work across browsers as well as across desktop and mobile. Depending on your ad server, this may mean rebuilding your Flash banners using their HTML5 specifications, or in some cases your ad server may offer swf HTML5 conversion e. Doubleclick Campaign Manager. Alternatively in some cases clients may prefer to use a static image. If you currently utilize Flash creatives in your campaigns, please take the following into consideration 3rd Party Ad Server 3. PASPlease contact your 3. PAS team to discuss what options are available to you. Affiperf supports 3. PAS HTML5 creatives. Affiperf Ad Server hosted. Affiperf will serve a backup image in lieu of Flash on Chrome 4. Flash plug in is not available. NB As a best practice, HTML5, Flash and Image displaymobile banners should not exceed 1. Mo polite load. Creative Unit Name. Initial Dimensions. Maximum Expanded Dimensions. Max Initial File Load Size. VideoAnimation Guidelines See video notes belowGeneral Ad Requirements. Billboard. 97. 0x. This ad unit collapses to Show Ad text with icon or 8. Show Ad texticon with residual branding in 6. Max Number of Host Initiated File Requests 1. KB Subload up to 1. MB2. 4 fps. 15 sec max length unlimited user initiated1. MB max file size for host initiated video unlimited user initiatedClose X collapses ad 1. Video may omit controls until user initiates interaction. Upon user interaction, video controls must include Play, Pause, Mute or volume control to zero 0 output.