The Last Remnant New Game Plus Save

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The Last Remnant New Game Plus Save SheerIf you were looking for the flash game, look under The Last Stand. For the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, see here. The Siege has not killed you all, but the. Cheatbook your source for Cheats, Video game Cheat Codes and Game Hints, Walkthroughs, FAQ, Games Trainer, Games Guides, Secrets, cheatsbook. Mass Media Influence, Media Violence, Video Games, Books, Music and Children. Download as MORTALLY SINFUL MEDIA Most people of this generation, even those who. Will A Military Coup Save America Joe CortinaEx Green Beret Interviews, Military Vs Jews Articles. WILL A MILITARY COUPSAVE AMERICA Interview With Joe Cortina Ex Green Beret. By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2. Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner Link To Real Zionist NewsSMSupport The Brother Nathanael Foundation HEREOr Send Your Contribution To The Brother Nathanael Foundation, PO Box 5. Priest River ID 8. E mail bronathanaelyahoo. JOE CORTINA IS AN EX GREEN BERET, a former airborne special operations officer and US Army Training Center commander. Joe Cortinas subsequent experiences as an intelligence investigator and anti terrorist adviser brought him to such hotbeds of turmoil as the State of Israel, adjacent Middle East nations, and Central America. Joe Cortinas Web Site, My Name Is Joe Cortina, is a showcase of crimes committed against humanity by the Zionist global elite. Here. Br Nathanael Could the US military counter the unchallenged power of organized Jewry Joe Cortina Absolutely. But the question is not if rather, would they WILL the US military rise to the task Br Nathanael What specifically is that taskHeres v3. Image of editor spoiler. Switzerland Extra Bold Font. Gilad Pellaeon, nicknamed Gil, was a dedicated Human male naval officer, serving for seven. Joe Cortina There exists in our nation a highly organized force American Jewry which can only be countered by another highly organized force the US Military. The predicament facing the military is that in their submission to the civilian authority they are actually subservient to American Jewry and NOT to a responsible civilian leadership pursuing Americas interests rather than the Jewish communitys. Br Nathanael How is the US military subservient to the Jews Joe Cortina Both Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court have failed to preserve this countrys independence and sovereignty by protecting it from domestic intruders and a foreign occupation. We are currently under the yoke of a usurping Zionist occupation in all three branches of our government which is headquartered in Tel Aviv. The agents of this occupying power are Jews who head up the multitude of Jewish Lobbies in America such as AIPAC and the ADL. We are willing to take a fight to perceived enemies halfway around the world. But what about that part of the oath that specifically includes DOMESTIC ENEMIES DOMESTIC ENEMIESBr Nathanael What oath do soldiers take Joe Cortina It is the solemn oath to defend our Constitution against ALL enemies both foreign AND domestic. In this case, were dealing with a domestic enemy, organized Jewry. KR.jpg' alt='The Last Remnant New Game Plus Save' title='The Last Remnant New Game Plus Save' />The Last Remnant New Game Plus SaveBr Nathanael What happens to a traditional civilian authority under this Jewish power Joe Cortina The civilian authority that the military is NOW subservient to is dominated by agents of a foreign power. These Jewish agents are treasonous dual citizens whose useful idiots are apostate Christian Zionists. Their allegiance is to the State of Israel and its global networks of Zionist Federations and affiliated Jewish organizations. The Jews who run Wall Street are the financiers behind this Zionist network. Br Nathanael Would a military coup to overturn this spurious civilian authority be possible Joe Cortina Granted, only one time in US history has the military contemplated a coup. This was to halt the New Deal drafted by FDRs court Jews, Frankfurter, Morgenthau, and Baruch. The plot failed when General Smedley Butler who led the coup went public. The strength behind the militarys reticence lies in the time honored American tradition that regardless of personal beliefs every soldier is charged with being responsible to the civilian authority. This is the stranglehold the Jews presently have on our military. However, the US Armed Forces are, in fact, unconstitutionally obedient to domestic agents of a foreign civilian leadership acting solely in the interests of global Jewry. Indeed, a precedent was set during the Roosevelt era for a military coup against Jewrys power. A DELICATE POSSIBILITYBr Nathanael The prospect of a military coup is perhaps an odious thought is it notJoe Cortina Such an event may not be the greatest thing in the world, but would certainly be better than what is going on now. And its not unlikely. I would say its a delicate possibility. Interestingly, a senior fellow of the pro military Hoover Institute, one Thomas Sowell, wrote a piece for the National Review on the decline of American society which presented a very similar thought When I see the worsening degeneracy in our politicians, our media, our educators, and our intelligentsia, I cant help wondering if the day may yet come when the only thing that can save this country is a military coup. Br Nathanael Wouldnt a military coup go against what is ingrained in every US soldier Joe Cortina Under the present circumstances, a military uprising wouldnt actually be a coup at all in that it is not overthrowing a Constitutional government but rather, it would be an effort to restore the government from the Jews to true American citizens. And a military coup does not necessarily have to be de jure but de facto. DE FACTO COUPBr Nathanael How would it be a de facto coupJoe Cortina America is now kept afloat by a military economy. The arms industry is all that is left of our manufacturing scenario. The military has tremendous economic influence and has a powerful Lobby almost as influential as that of the Jews. Once the military takes control of the media, which would occur during a national emergency, then American Jewry will have a formidable opponent. Br Nathanael Do you see any movement within the military that presages a possible military coup Joe Cortina There IS a growing counterpoise to the Israel Lobby by leading military figures. Though I agree with Admiral Fallon that General Petraeus is nothing but an ass kisser, he warned in a Pentagon briefing last winter that Israeli intransigence on the Israel Palestinian conflict is jeopardizing US standing in the Middle East. Even though Petraeus made this statement to advance his own ambitions and in no way is he jealous for American interests, the Jewish owned press gave it little coverage. Im certain that the military brass took notice and were not pleased with the suppression of Patreaus statement. ANTI JEWISH AGENDABr Nathanael Are there any other military figures who are showing impatience with Jewrys control of American policies Joe Cortina Yes, for one, and representative of a growing sentiment amongst the Officer Corps, is former Air Force General, Merrill Tony Mc. Peak. Mc. Peak served as Obamas military adviser during the 2. But under pressure from the Jews, conveniently disappeared. Br Nathanael Any anti Jewish statements from Mc. Peak Joe Cortina Indeed. In May of 2. 00. 8, Mc. Peak boldly blamed US Jews for hindering peace in the Middle East. Right smack in their faces, Mc. Peak stated that the problem of our Middle East policy rests in New York City and Miami. He added that the Jews have a large vote in favor of Israel, and that no politician wants to run against ityou cant develop a Middle East strategy, its impossible. By the way, during Obamas campaign, Mc. Peak had the guts to call Mc. Cain too fat A BLOODLESS COUP Br Nathanael Is a bloodless coup possible Joe Cortina Yes. After all, were talking about the recapturing of OUR OWN NATION not some imperialistic endeavor.